What I learned from LuaJIT

Excelsior JET


Dart VM




deep internal insight

overview of interesting things

local p = { x = 1, y = 1 }
for i = 1, 100 do
  p = { x = p.x + i,
        y = p.y - i }

whirlwind introduction to Lua

-- dynamically typed
local v
v = 1
v = "string"
v = true
v = { } -- table
v = function () end

-- tables are key-value dictionaries
-- key is any type
local p = {
  x = 1,
  y = 1,

-- tables are key-value dictionaries
-- key is any type
local p = {
  ['x'] = 1,
  ['y'] = 1,
  [222] = 1,
  [{ }] = 1

-- single numeric type:
-- double precision floating point
type(1)   -- 'number'
type(1.0) -- 'number'
type(1.1) -- 'number'

-- metatables alter behavior of tables
local tbl = {}
setmetatable(tbl, {
  __index = function (self, key)
    print('index', key)
    return 0
  __newindex = function (self, key, val)
    print('newindex', key, val)

-- metatables alter behavior of tables
-- index somekey
-- 0
tbl[42] = 'somevalue';
-- newindex 42 somevalue

local tbl = {}
setmetatable(tbl, {
  __index = { x = 42 }
print(tbl.x) -- 42

-- metatables alter behavior of tables
setmetatable(tbl, {
  -- will be called when evaluating
  -- + expression with tbl
  __add = function ()

local p = { x = 1, y = 1 }
for i = 1, 100 do
  p = { x = p.x + i,
        y = p.y - i }

  xorps xmm5, xmm5
  cvtsi2sd xmm5, ebp
  addsd xmm6, xmm5
  subsd xmm7, xmm5
  add ebp, +0x01
  cmp ebp, +0x64
  jle ->LOOP
  jmp ->4

« how does it
do it? »

learning by reading sources

local p = { x = 1, y = 1, [1] = 1 }
for i = 1, 100 do
  p = { x = p.x + i,
        y = p.y - i,
        [1] = p[1] }

  movsd [rsp+0x28], xmm6
  movsd [rsp+0x30], xmm7
  mov [rsp+0x24], eax
  mov edi, [0x000423d8]
  cmp edi, [0x000423dc]
  jb skip
  mov esi, 0x1
  mov edi, 0x000423b8
  call ->lj_gc_step_jit
  test eax, eax
  jnz ->4
  mov edi, [0x000424b0]
  mov esi, 0x00052948
  call ->lj_tab_dup
  mov esi, eax
  mov [rsp+0x20], esi
  mov edi, [0x000424b0]
  mov eax, [rsp+0x24]
  movsd xmm7, [rsp+0x30]
  movsd xmm5, [rsp+0x28]
  cmp dword [rax+0x1c], +0x01
  jnz ->4
  mov r15d, [rax+0x14]
  mov rbx, 0xfffffffb00053e50
  cmp rbx, [r15+0x20]
  jnz ->4

xorps xmm6, xmm6
cvtsi2sd xmm6, ebp
addsd xmm5, xmm6
movsd [rsp+0x10], xmm5
mov ebx, [rsi+0x14]
movsd [rbx+0x18], xmm5
mov rdx, 0xfffffffb0004a188
cmp rdx, [r15+0x8]
jnz ->5
subsd xmm7, xmm6
movsd [rsp+0x18], xmm7
movsd [rbx], xmm7
cmp dword [rax+0x18], +0x01
jbe ->6
mov ebx, [rax+0x8]
cmp dword [rbx+0xc], 0xfffeffff
jnb ->6
movsd xmm5, [rbx+0x8]
movsd [rsp+0x8], xmm5
mov edx, 0x000535d8
call ->lj_tab_newkey
mov ebx, eax
mov eax, [rsp+0x20]
movsd xmm7, [rsp+0x18]
movsd xmm6, [rsp+0x10]
movsd xmm5, [rsp+0x8]
movsd [rbx], xmm5
add ebp, +0x01
cmp ebp, +0x64
jle ->LOOP
jmp ->7

« why does it
not do it? »

learning by fixing bugs

1GB memory limit

(pre v2.1)

Lua is dynamically typed


sign      mantissa (52 bit)
v     /------------------------\
  exponent (11 bit)

sign      mantissa (52 bit)
v     /------------------------\
  exponent (11 bit)

NaN: E = 7ff & M ≠ 0
sign      mantissa (52 bit)
v     /------------------------\
████████████████████████████████ (64 bits)
  exponent (11 bit)

NaN: E = 7ff & M ≠ 0 (whole family of NaNs)


dynamically typed slot

/      MSW     \/      LSW     \ 64 bit
████████████ double ████████████ number
██████ tag ██████████ ptr ██████ gc obj

/      MSW     \/      LSW     \ 64 bit
████████████ double ████████████ number
██████ tag ██████████ ptr ██████ gc obj

number tag < ffff0000
table  tag = fffffff4 = ~11u
/      MSW     \/      LSW     \ 64 bit
████████████ double ████████████ number
█████████████████████ ptr ██████ gc64 obj
\1..1/\/\-------- 47 bits -----/
      tag (4 bits)


kinda works

AArch64: 52-bit VA

changing tagging
tough exercise

|// Macros to test operand types.
|.macro checktp, reg, tp
|  cmp dword [BASE+reg*8+4], tp
|.macro checktab, reg, target
|  checktp reg, LJ_TTAB
|  jne target
  case BC_TGETB:
    |  ins_ABC  // RA = dst, RB = table, RC = byte literal
    |  checktab RB, ->vmeta_tgetb
    |  mov TAB:RB, [BASE+RB*8]


generates code that
generates code

  case BC_TGETB:
    //|  ins_ABC  // RA = dst, RB = table, RC = byte literal
    //|  checktab RB, ->vmeta_tgetb
    //|  mov TAB:RB, [BASE+RB*8]
    dasm_put(Dst, 10994, LJ_TTAB, Dt6(->asize), Dt6(->array), LJ_TNIL, Dt6(->metatable), Dt6(->metatable), Dt6(->nomm), 1<<MM_index);

|// Type definitions. Some of these are only used for documentation.
|.type L,    lua_State
|.type GL,   global_State
  |  mov GL:RB, L:RB->glref
  |  mov dword GL:RB->vmstate, ~LJ_VMST_C

|// Type definitions. Some of these are only used for documentation.
|.type L,    lua_State
|.type GL,   global_State
  |  mov GL:RB, [RB, #offsetof(lua_State, glref)]
  |  mov dword GL:RB->vmstate, ~LJ_VMST_C

no actual understanding of types

|  cmp dword L:RB->openupval, 0


|  cmp dword L:RB->openupval, 0
             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ pointer

|  cmp aword L:RB->openupval, 0


what is interpreter

/----- 32 bits -----\
| OP |    |    |    | Format ABC
| OP |    |         | Format AD
     | R0  | R1  | R2  | R3  |
      TValue (64bit)

CALL A, ResN, ArgN
                          F <- R(A);
R(A), ..., R(A+ResN-2) <- F(R(A+1), ..., R(A+ArgN-1)), if ResN != 0
R(A), ...              <- F(R(A+1), ..., R(A+ArgN-1)), if ResN == 0
~----+-~ ~-+------+------+------+---~
     |     | Func | Arg0 | Arg1 |
~----+-~ ~-+------+------+------+---~
     BASE         BASE
~----+-~ ~-+------+------+------+---~
     |     | Func | Arg0 | Arg1 |
~----+-~ ~-+------+------+------+---~

frame linking

     BASE         BASE
~----+-~ ~-+------+------+------+---~
     |     | Func | Arg0 | Arg1 |
~----+-~ ~-+------+------+------+---~
          /        \
         /          \
       [  tag | ptr  ]

     BASE         BASE
~----+-~ ~-+------+------+------+---~
     |     | Func | Arg0 | Arg1 |
~----+-~ ~-+------+------+------+---~
          /        \
         /          \
       [ link | ptr  ]

        link |
      PC  00 | Lua frame
   delta 001 | C frame
   delta 010 | Continuation frame
   delta 011 | Lua vararg frame
   delta 101 | cpcall() frame
       .... etc ...

PC is 4 byte aligned
delta is 8 byte aligned
        link |
      PC  00 | Lua frame
   delta 001 | C frame
   delta 010 | Continuation frame
   delta 011 | Lua vararg frame
   delta 101 | cpcall() frame
       .... etc ...

PC is 4 byte aligned
delta is 8 byte aligned

when unwinding look at PC-1 to determine caller's BASE

CALL A, ... => CallerBASE = BASE - A
        link |
      PC  00 | Lua frame
   delta 001 | C frame
   delta 010 | Continuation frame
   delta 011 | Lua vararg frame
   delta 101 | cpcall() frame
       .... etc ...

PC is 4 byte aligned
delta is 8 byte aligned

continuations allow to specify action to perform when callee returns

;; jump to target if R(A) == R(D)
JUMP target

;; jump to target if R(A) == R(D)
JUMP target
;; what if R(A) has __eq metamethod?

;; jump to target if R(A) == R(D)
JUMP target
;; what if R(A) has __eq metamethod?
;; need to call metamethod
;; ... then branch on return
;; jump to target if R(A) == R(D)
JUMP target
;; what if R(A) has __eq metamethod?
;; need to call metamethod
;; ... then branch on return
|      ...           |
| PC → ISEQV A, D    |
|      JUMP target   |
|      ...           |
| +--------------------+
| | nested interpreter |
| | for the metamethod |
| |                    |
+-|                    |
|      ...           | branch on the result from
| PC → ISEQV A, D    | the nested interpreter
|      JUMP target   |
|      ...           |

continuations make it simpler

     BASE                        metamethod
     ↓                          /-- frame -->
~----+-~ ~-+------+------+------+------+---~
     |     |      |___   |      |      |
~----+-~ ~-+------+-↑----+------+------+---~
     \------------/ continuation callback
      current frame   (e.g. cont_condt)

let's talk about DISPATCH

|  jmp aword [DISPATCH+OP*4]


|  jmp aword [DISPATCH+OP*4]
              can replace handlers
  • hooks (~ debugging)
  • profiling
  • recording
;; hotcounting
;; loop bytecodes

;; function entries

|.macro hotloop, reg
|  mov reg, PC
|  shr reg, 1
|  sub word [DISPATCH+reg+GG_DISP2HOT],
|           HOTCOUNT_LOOP
|  jb ->vm_hotloop

hotcount[(PC>>2) & (HOTCOUNT_SIZE-1)]

#define HOTCOUNT_SIZE   64

hotcount[(PC>>2) & (HOTCOUNT_SIZE-1)]

#define HOTCOUNT_SIZE   64

hotcount[(PC>>2) & (HOTCOUNT_SIZE-1)]

/* can cause non-determenism */

recording pipeline

tracing 101









  .___/     _

  .___/     __

  .___/     ___

  .___/     ____

  .___/     _____

       _          _
  .___/     _____/
      \____/     \_

       _          __
  .___/     _____/
      \____/     \_

       _          ___
  .___/     _____/
      \____/     \_
       _          ___/
  .___/     _____/   \_
      \____/     \_
       _          ___/
  .___/     _____/   \_
      \____/     \_
       _          ___/
  .___/     _____/   \_
      \____/     \_
       _          ___/
  .___/     _____/   \_
      \____/     \_

      \_      \_   \_  \_

      \_      \_   \_  \_
hot side exits spawn side traces

      \_      \__  \_  \_

back to recording

            concrete                  SSA
             values                   refs
INTERPRETER    |           RECORDER    |
+--------------v------+    +-----------v-------+
|  ~-+---+---+---+-~  |    | ~-+---+---+---+-~ |
|    |   |   |   |    |    |   |   |   |   |   |
|  ~-+---+---+---+-~  |    | ~-+---+---+---+-~ |
|  ...                |    |               ... |
|> ADDVV r0, r0, r1 ==================> SSA IR |
|  ...                |    |               ... |
+---------------------+    +-------------------+

            concrete                  SSA
             values                   refs
INTERPRETER    |           RECORDER    |
+--------------v------+    +-----------v-------+
|  ~-+---+---+---+-~  |    | ~-+---+---+---+-~ |
|    |num|num|   |    |    |   |001|002|   |   |
|  ~-+---+---+---+-~  |    | ~-+---+---+---+-~ |
|  ...                |    |               ... |
|> ADDVV r0, r0, r1 ==================> SSA IR |
|  ...                |    |               ... |
+---------------------+    +-------------------+

            concrete                  SSA
             values                   refs
INTERPRETER    |           RECORDER    |
+--------------v------+    +-----------v-------+
|  ~-+---+---+---+-~  |    | ~-+---+---+---+-~ |
|    |num|num|   |    |    |   |003|002|   |   |
|  ~-+---+---+---+-~  |    | ~-+---+---+---+-~ |
|  ADDVV r0, r0, r1   |    | 003: ADD 001, 002 |
|> SUBVN r1, r1, +1 ==================> SSA IR |
|  ...                |    |               ... |
+---------------------+    +-------------------+

            concrete                  SSA
             values                   refs
INTERPRETER    |           RECORDER    |
+--------------v------+    +-----------v-------+
|  ~-+---+---+---+-~  |    | ~-+---+---+---+-~ |
|    |num|num|   |    |    |   |003|004|   |   |
|  ~-+---+---+---+-~  |    | ~-+---+---+---+-~ |
|  SUBVN r1, r1, +1   |    | 004: SUB 002,  +1 |
|> ...              ==================> SSA IR |
|  ...                |    |               ... |
+---------------------+    +-------------------+


/* Trace object. */
typedef struct GCtrace {
  /* IR instructions/constants.
  ** Biased with REF_BIAS.
  IRIns *ir;

} GCtrace;

/* Trace object. */
typedef struct GCtrace {
  /* IR instructions/constants.
  ** Biased with REF_BIAS.
  IRIns *ir;

} GCtrace;

typedef uint16_t IRRef1;

/* Fixed references. */
enum {
  /* \--- Constants grow downwards. */
  REF_BIAS =  0x8000,
  /* /--- IR grows upwards. */
  REF_DROP =  0xffff
    <-- constants --\ /-- non-constants -->
   |false|true |nil  |     |     |     |
                     ^ &ir[REF_BIAS]

ir := irbuf + nconsts - REF_BIAS
    16      16     8   8   8   8
 |  op1  |  op2  | t | o | r | s |
 |  op12/i/gco   |   ot  | prev  |
        32           16      16

 |  op1  |  op2  | t | o | r | s |
 |  op12/i/gco   |   ot  | prev  |

prev is the reference to the previous
     instruction with the same opcode

 |  op1  |  op2  | t | o | r | s |
 |  op12/i/gco   |   ot  | prev  |

r/s register allocation state

 |  op1  |  op2  | t | o | r | s |
 |  op12/i/gco   |   ot  | prev  |

o opcode
t type

 |  op1  |  op2  | t | o | r | s |
 |  op12/i/gco   |   ot  | prev  |

op1/op2 IR references

 |  op1  |  op2  | t | o | r | s |
 |  op12/i/gco   |   ot  | prev  |

i/gco constants (32 bit)

/* Tagged IR references (32 bit).
** +-------+-------+---------------+
** |  irt  | flags |      ref      |
** +-------+-------+---------------+
** The tag holds a copy of the IRType
** and speeds up IR type checks.

typedef uint32_t TRef;
  BYTECODE ===================> SSA IR

  BYTECODE ===================> SSA IR
  |                                  ^
  v                                  |
  interpret -> specialize -> fold&emit

case BC_LEN:
  if (tref_isstr(rc))
    rc = emitir(IRTI(IR_FLOAD), rc, IRFL_STR_LEN);
  else if (!LJ_52 && tref_istab(rc))
    rc = lj_ir_call(J, IRCALL_lj_tab_len, rc);
    rc = rec_mm_len(J, rc, rcv);

case BC_LEN:
  if (tref_isstr(rc))
    rc = emitir(IRTI(IR_FLOAD), rc, IRFL_STR_LEN);
  else if (!LJ_52 && tref_istab(rc))
    rc = lj_ir_call(J, IRCALL_lj_tab_len, rc);
    rc = rec_mm_len(J, rc, rcv);

case BC_LEN:
  if (tref_isstr(rc))
    rc = emitir(IRTI(IR_FLOAD), rc, IRFL_STR_LEN);
  else if (!LJ_52 && tref_istab(rc))
    rc = lj_ir_call(J, IRCALL_lj_tab_len, rc);
    rc = rec_mm_len(J, rc, rcv);

emitir passes instruction
to FOLD engine

  /* Return length passed to SNEW. */

  return fleft->op2;

  /* Return length passed to SNEW. */

  return fleft->op2;
// Rules hashtable generated by build
// Rules applied until fixpoint
  • FWD
  • DSE
  • ABCelim
  • CSE
  • DCE
  • LOOP
  • SINK
  • DCE
  • LOOP
  • SINK

local sum = 0
for i = 1, n do
  sum = sum + arr[i]
0006 TGETV  r8, r1, r7
0007 ADDVV  r3, r3, r8
0008 FORL   r4 => 0006

0006 TGETV  r8, r1, r7 ; r8 = r1[r7]
0007 ADDVV  r3, r3, r8 ; r3 = r3 + r8
0008 FORL   r4 => 0006 ; r4 = r4 + r6
                       ; if r4 <= r5 then
                       ;   r7 = r4
                       ;   jump 0006
                       ; end
                     arr       sum  (i)  lim  step i
                R0   R1   R2   R3   R4   R5   R6   R7   R8
         [ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ]
  0006 TGETV  r8, r1, r7 ‖
  0007 ADDVV  r3, r3, r8 ‖
  0008 FORL   r4 => 0006 ‖
                     arr       sum  (i)  lim  step i
                R0   R1   R2   R3   R4   R5   R6   R7   R8
         [ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ]
⇒ 0005 FORI   r4 => 0009 ‖
  0006 TGETV  r8, r1, r7 ‖
  0007 ADDVV  r3, r3, r8 ‖
  0008 FORL   r4 => 0006 ‖
                     arr       sum  (i)  lim  step i
                R0   R1   R2   R3   R4   R5   R6   R7   R8
         [ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 0003 0001 ---- 0003 ---- ]
⇒ 0005 FORI   r4 => 0009 ‖ 0001 SLOAD  R5
  0006 TGETV  r8, r1, r7 ‖ 0002 LE     0001  +2147483646
  0007 ADDVV  r3, r3, r8 ‖ 0003 SLOAD  R4
  0008 FORL   r4 => 0006 ‖
                     arr       sum  (i)  lim  step i
                R0   R1   R2   R3   R4   R5   R6   R7   R8
         [ ---- ---- 0004 ---- ---- 0003 0001 ---- 0003 ---- ]
  0005 FORI   r4 => 0009 ‖ 0001 SLOAD  R5
⇒ 0006 TGETV  r8, r1, r7 ‖ 0002 LE     0001  +2147483646
  0007 ADDVV  r3, r3, r8 ‖ 0003 SLOAD  R4
  0008 FORL   r4 => 0006 ‖ 0004 SLOAD  R1
                     arr       sum  (i)  lim  step i
                R0   R1   R2   R3   R4   R5   R6   R7   R8
         [ ---- ---- 0004 ---- ---- 0003 0001 ---- 0003 ---- ]
  0005 FORI   r4 => 0009 ‖ 0001 SLOAD  R5
⇒ 0006 TGETV  r8, r1, r7 ‖ 0002 LE     0001  +2147483646
  0007 ADDVV  r3, r3, r8 ‖ 0003 SLOAD  R4
  0008 FORL   r4 => 0006 ‖ 0004 SLOAD  R1
                         ‖ 0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize
                     arr       sum  (i)  lim  step i
                R0   R1   R2   R3   R4   R5   R6   R7   R8
         [ ---- ---- 0004 ---- ---- 0003 0001 ---- 0003 ---- ]
  0005 FORI   r4 => 0009 ‖ 0001 SLOAD  R5
⇒ 0006 TGETV  r8, r1, r7 ‖ 0002 LE     0001  +2147483646
  0007 ADDVV  r3, r3, r8 ‖ 0003 SLOAD  R4
  0008 FORL   r4 => 0006 ‖ 0004 SLOAD  R1
                         ‖ 0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize
                         ‖ 0006 ABC    0005  0001
                     arr       sum  (i)  lim  step i
                R0   R1   R2   R3   R4   R5   R6   R7   R8
         [ ---- ---- 0004 ---- ---- 0003 0001 ---- 0003 ---- ]
  0005 FORI   r4 => 0009 ‖ 0001 SLOAD  R5
⇒ 0006 TGETV  r8, r1, r7 ‖ 0002 LE     0001  +2147483646
  0007 ADDVV  r3, r3, r8 ‖ 0003 SLOAD  R4
  0008 FORL   r4 => 0006 ‖ 0004 SLOAD  R1
                         ‖ 0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize
                         ‖ 0006 ABC    0005  0001
                         ‖ 0007 FLOAD  0004  tab.array
                     arr       sum  (i)  lim  step i
                R0   R1   R2   R3   R4   R5   R6   R7   R8
         [ ---- ---- 0004 ---- ---- 0003 0001 ---- 0003 ---- ]
  0005 FORI   r4 => 0009 ‖ 0001 SLOAD  R5
⇒ 0006 TGETV  r8, r1, r7 ‖ 0002 LE     0001  +2147483646
  0007 ADDVV  r3, r3, r8 ‖ 0003 SLOAD  R4
  0008 FORL   r4 => 0006 ‖ 0004 SLOAD  R1
                         ‖ 0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize
                         ‖ 0006 ABC    0005  0001
                         ‖ 0007 FLOAD  0004  tab.array
                         ‖ 0008 AREF   0007  0003
                     arr       sum  (i)  lim  step i
                R0   R1   R2   R3   R4   R5   R6   R7   R8
         [ ---- ---- 0004 ---- ---- 0003 0001 ---- 0003 0009 ]
  0005 FORI   r4 => 0009 ‖ 0001 SLOAD  R5
⇒ 0006 TGETV  r8, r1, r7 ‖ 0002 LE     0001  +2147483646
  0007 ADDVV  r3, r3, r8 ‖ 0003 SLOAD  R4
  0008 FORL   r4 => 0006 ‖ 0004 SLOAD  R1
                         ‖ 0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize
                         ‖ 0006 ABC    0005  0001
                         ‖ 0007 FLOAD  0004  tab.array
                         ‖ 0008 AREF   0007  0003
                         ‖ 0009 ALOAD  0008
                     arr       sum  (i)  lim  step i
                R0   R1   R2   R3   R4   R5   R6   R7   R8
         [ ---- ---- 0004 ---- ---- 0003 0001 ---- 0003 0009 ]
  0005 FORI   r4 => 0009 ‖ 0001 SLOAD  R5
  0006 TGETV  r8, r1, r7 ‖ 0002 LE     0001  +2147483646
⇒ 0007 ADDVV  r3, r3, r8 ‖ 0003 SLOAD  R4
  0008 FORL   r4 => 0006 ‖ 0004 SLOAD  R1
                         ‖ 0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize
                         ‖ 0006 ABC    0005  0001
                         ‖ 0007 FLOAD  0004  tab.array
                         ‖ 0008 AREF   0007  0003
                         ‖ 0009 ALOAD  0008
                     arr       sum  (i)  lim  step i
                R0   R1   R2   R3   R4   R5   R6   R7   R8
         [ ---- ---- 0004 ---- 0010 0003 0001 ---- 0003 0009 ]
  0005 FORI   r4 => 0009 ‖ 0001 SLOAD  R5
  0006 TGETV  r8, r1, r7 ‖ 0002 LE     0001  +2147483646
⇒ 0007 ADDVV  r3, r3, r8 ‖ 0003 SLOAD  R4
  0008 FORL   r4 => 0006 ‖ 0004 SLOAD  R1
                         ‖ 0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize
                         ‖ 0006 ABC    0005  0001
                         ‖ 0007 FLOAD  0004  tab.array
                         ‖ 0008 AREF   0007  0003
                         ‖ 0009 ALOAD  0008
                         ‖ 0010 SLOAD  R3
                     arr       sum  (i)  lim  step i
                R0   R1   R2   R3   R4   R5   R6   R7   R8
         [ ---- ---- 0004 ---- 0011 0003 0001 ---- 0003 0009 ]
  0005 FORI   r4 => 0009 ‖ 0001 SLOAD  R5
  0006 TGETV  r8, r1, r7 ‖ 0002 LE     0001  +2147483646
⇒ 0007 ADDVV  r3, r3, r8 ‖ 0003 SLOAD  R4
  0008 FORL   r4 => 0006 ‖ 0004 SLOAD  R1
                         ‖ 0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize
                         ‖ 0006 ABC    0005  0001
                         ‖ 0007 FLOAD  0004  tab.array
                         ‖ 0008 AREF   0007  0003
                         ‖ 0009 ALOAD  0008
                         ‖ 0010 SLOAD  R3    T
                         ‖ 0011 ADD    0010  0009
                     arr       sum  (i)  lim  step i
                R0   R1   R2   R3   R4   R5   R6   R7   R8
         [ ---- ---- 0004 ---- 0011 0003 0001 ---- 0003 0009 ]
  0005 FORI   r4 => 0009 ‖ 0001 SLOAD  R5
  0006 TGETV  r8, r1, r7 ‖ 0002 LE     0001  +2147483646
  0007 ADDVV  r3, r3, r8 ‖ 0003 SLOAD  R4
⇒ 0008 FORL   r4 => 0006 ‖ 0004 SLOAD  R1
                         ‖ 0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize
                         ‖ 0006 ABC    0005  0001
                         ‖ 0007 FLOAD  0004  tab.array
                         ‖ 0008 AREF   0007  0003
                         ‖ 0009 ALOAD  0008
                         ‖ 0010 SLOAD  R3
                         ‖ 0011 ADD    0010  0009
                     arr       sum  (i)  lim  step i
                R0   R1   R2   R3   R4   R5   R6   R7   R8
         [ ---- ---- 0004 ---- 0011 0012 0001 ---- 0012 0009 ]
  0005 FORI   r4 => 0009 ‖ 0001 SLOAD  R5
  0006 TGETV  r8, r1, r7 ‖ 0002 LE     0001  +2147483646
  0007 ADDVV  r3, r3, r8 ‖ 0003 SLOAD  R4
⇒ 0008 FORL   r4 => 0006 ‖ 0004 SLOAD  R1
                         ‖ 0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize
                         ‖ 0006 ABC    0005  0001
                         ‖ 0007 FLOAD  0004  tab.array
                         ‖ 0008 AREF   0007  0003
                         ‖ 0009 ALOAD  0008
                         ‖ 0010 SLOAD  R3
                         ‖ 0011 ADD    0010  0009
                         ‖ 0012 ADD    0003  +1
                     arr       sum  (i)  lim  step i
                R0   R1   R2   R3   R4   R5   R6   R7   R8
         [ ---- ---- 0004 ---- 0011 0012 0001 ---- 0012 0009 ]
  0005 FORI   r4 => 0009 ‖ 0001 SLOAD  R5
  0006 TGETV  r8, r1, r7 ‖ 0002 LE     0001  +2147483646
  0007 ADDVV  r3, r3, r8 ‖ 0003 SLOAD  R4
⇒ 0008 FORL   r4 => 0006 ‖ 0004 SLOAD  R1
                         ‖ 0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize
                         ‖ 0006 ABC    0005  0001
                         ‖ 0007 FLOAD  0004  tab.array
                         ‖ 0008 AREF   0007  0003
                         ‖ 0009 ALOAD  0008
                         ‖ 0010 SLOAD  R3
                         ‖ 0011 ADD    0010  0009
                         ‖ 0012 ADD    0003  +1
                         ‖ 0013 LE     0012  0001
0001 >  int SLOAD  #6    CRI
0002 >  int LE     0001  +2147483646
0003    int SLOAD  #5    CI
0004 >  tab SLOAD  #2    T
0005    int FLOAD  0004  tab.asize
0006 >  p32 ABC    0005  0001
0007    p32 FLOAD  0004  tab.array
0008    p32 AREF   0007  0003
0009 >  num ALOAD  0008
0010 >  num SLOAD  #4    T
0011  + num ADD    0010  0009
0012  + int ADD    0003  +1
0013 >  int LE     0012  0001
....        SNAP   #2   [ — — — — 0011 0012 0001 — 0012 ]
0001 >  int SLOAD  #6    CRI
0002 >  int LE     0001  +2147483646
0003    int SLOAD  #5    CI
0004 >  tab SLOAD  #2    T
0005    int FLOAD  0004  tab.asize
0006 >  p32 ABC    0005  0001
0007    p32 FLOAD  0004  tab.array
0008    p32 AREF   0007  0003
0009 >  num ALOAD  0008
0010 >  num SLOAD  #4    T
0011  + num ADD    0010  0009
0012  + int ADD    0003  +1
0013 >  int LE     0012  0001
....        SNAP   #2   [ — — — — 0011 0012 0001 — 0012 ]
0001 SLOAD  #6    CRI          |
0002 LE     0001  +2147483646  |
0003 SLOAD  #5    CI           |
0004 SLOAD  #2    T            |
0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize    |
0006 ABC    0005  0001         |
0007 FLOAD  0004  tab.array    |
0008 AREF   0007  0003         |
0009 ALOAD  0008               |
0010 SLOAD  #4    T            |
0011 ADD    0010  0009         |
0012 ADD    0003  +1           |
0013 LE     0012  0001         |
.... SNAP   [ ---- ---- ---- ---- 0011 0012 0001 ---- 0012 ]
0001 SLOAD  #6    CRI          |
0002 LE     0001  +2147483646  |
0003 SLOAD  #5    CI           |
0004 SLOAD  #2    T            |
0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize    |
0006 ABC    0005  0001         |
0007 FLOAD  0004  tab.array    |
0008 AREF   0007  0003         |
0009 ALOAD  0008               |
0010 SLOAD  #4    T            |
0011 ADD    0010  0009         |
0012 ADD    0003  +1           |
0013 LE     0012  0001         |
.... SNAP   [ ---- ---- ---- ---- 0011 0012 0001 ---- 0012 ]
0001 SLOAD  #6    CRI          | ===> 0001
0002 LE     0001  +2147483646  |
0003 SLOAD  #5    CI           |
0004 SLOAD  #2    T            |
0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize    |
0006 ABC    0005  0001         |
0007 FLOAD  0004  tab.array    |
0008 AREF   0007  0003         |
0009 ALOAD  0008               |
0010 SLOAD  #4    T            |
0011 ADD    0010  0009         |
0012 ADD    0003  +1           |
0013 LE     0012  0001         |
.... SNAP   [ ---- ---- ---- ---- 0011 0012 0001 ---- 0012 ]
0001 SLOAD  #6    CRI          | 0001
0002 LE     0001  +2147483646  |
0003 SLOAD  #5    CI           |
0004 SLOAD  #2    T            |
0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize    |
0006 ABC    0005  0001         |
0007 FLOAD  0004  tab.array    |
0008 AREF   0007  0003         |
0009 ALOAD  0008               |
0010 SLOAD  #4    T            |
0011 ADD    0010  0009         |
0012 ADD    0003  +1           |
0013 LE     0012  0001         |
.... SNAP   [ ---- ---- ---- ---- 0011 0012 0001 ---- 0012 ]
0001 SLOAD  #6    CRI          | 0001
0002 LE     0001  +2147483646  | ===> LE    [0001] +2147483646
0003 SLOAD  #5    CI           |
0004 SLOAD  #2    T            |
0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize    |
0006 ABC    0005  0001         |
0007 FLOAD  0004  tab.array    |
0008 AREF   0007  0003         |
0009 ALOAD  0008               |
0010 SLOAD  #4    T            |
0011 ADD    0010  0009         |
0012 ADD    0003  +1           |
0013 LE     0012  0001         |
.... SNAP   [ ---- ---- ---- ---- 0011 0012 0001 ---- 0012 ]
0001 SLOAD  #6    CRI          | 0001
0002 LE     0001  +2147483646  | ===> LE     0001  +2147483646
0003 SLOAD  #5    CI           |
0004 SLOAD  #2    T            |
0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize    |
0006 ABC    0005  0001         |
0007 FLOAD  0004  tab.array    |
0008 AREF   0007  0003         |
0009 ALOAD  0008               |
0010 SLOAD  #4    T            |
0011 ADD    0010  0009         |
0012 ADD    0003  +1           |
0013 LE     0012  0001         |
.... SNAP   [ ---- ---- ---- ---- 0011 0012 0001 ---- 0012 ]
0001 SLOAD  #6    CRI          | 0001
0002 LE     0001  +2147483646  | 0002
0003 SLOAD  #5    CI           |
0004 SLOAD  #2    T            |
0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize    |
0006 ABC    0005  0001         |
0007 FLOAD  0004  tab.array    |
0008 AREF   0007  0003         |
0009 ALOAD  0008               |
0010 SLOAD  #4    T            |
0011 ADD    0010  0009         |
0012 ADD    0003  +1           |
0013 LE     0012  0001         |
.... SNAP   [ ---- ---- ---- ---- 0011 0012 0001 ---- 0012 ]
0001 SLOAD  #6    CRI          | 0001
0002 LE     0001  +2147483646  | 0002
0003 SLOAD  #5    CI           | 0012
0004 SLOAD  #2    T            |
0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize    |
0006 ABC    0005  0001         |
0007 FLOAD  0004  tab.array    |
0008 AREF   0007  0003         |
0009 ALOAD  0008               |
0010 SLOAD  #4    T            |
0011 ADD    0010  0009         |
0012 ADD    0003  +1           |
0013 LE     0012  0001         |
.... SNAP   [ ---- ---- ---- ---- 0011 0012 0001 ---- 0012 ]
0001 SLOAD  #6    CRI          | 0001
0002 LE     0001  +2147483646  | 0002
0003 SLOAD  #5    CI           | 0012
0004 SLOAD  #2    T            | 0004
0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize    | 
0006 ABC    0005  0001         | 
0007 FLOAD  0004  tab.array    | 
0008 AREF   0007  0003         | 
0009 ALOAD  0008               | 
0010 SLOAD  #4    T            | 
0011 ADD    0010  0009         | 
0012 ADD    0003  +1           | 
0013 LE     0012  0001         | 
.... SNAP   [ ---- ---- ---- ---- 0011 0012 0001 ---- 0012 ]
0001 SLOAD  #6    CRI          | 0001
0002 LE     0001  +2147483646  | 0002
0003 SLOAD  #5    CI           | 0012
0004 SLOAD  #2    T            | 0004
0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize    | ===> FLOAD  0004  tab.asize
0006 ABC    0005  0001         | 
0007 FLOAD  0004  tab.array    | 
0008 AREF   0007  0003         | 
0009 ALOAD  0008               | 
0010 SLOAD  #4    T            | 
0011 ADD    0010  0009         | 
0012 ADD    0003  +1           | 
0013 LE     0012  0001         | 
.... SNAP   [ ---- ---- ---- ---- 0011 0012 0001 ---- 0012 ]
0001 SLOAD  #6    CRI          | 0001
0002 LE     0001  +2147483646  | 0002
0003 SLOAD  #5    CI           | 0012
0004 SLOAD  #2    T            | 0004
0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize    | 0005
0006 ABC    0005  0001         | 
0007 FLOAD  0004  tab.array    | 
0008 AREF   0007  0003         | 
0009 ALOAD  0008               | 
0010 SLOAD  #4    T            | 
0011 ADD    0010  0009         | 
0012 ADD    0003  +1           | 
0013 LE     0012  0001         | 
.... SNAP   [ ---- ---- ---- ---- 0011 0012 0001 ---- 0012 ]
0001 SLOAD  #6    CRI          | 0001
0002 LE     0001  +2147483646  | 0002
0003 SLOAD  #5    CI           | 0012
0004 SLOAD  #2    T            | 0004
0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize    | 0005
0006 ABC    0005  0001         | ===> ABC    0005  0001
0007 FLOAD  0004  tab.array    | 
0008 AREF   0007  0003         | 
0009 ALOAD  0008               | 
0010 SLOAD  #4    T            | 
0011 ADD    0010  0009         | 
0012 ADD    0003  +1           | 
0013 LE     0012  0001         | 
.... SNAP   [ ---- ---- ---- ---- 0011 0012 0001 ---- 0012 ]
0001 SLOAD  #6    CRI          | 0001
0002 LE     0001  +2147483646  | 0002
0003 SLOAD  #5    CI           | 0012
0004 SLOAD  #2    T            | 0004
0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize    | 0005
0006 ABC    0005  0001         | 0006
0007 FLOAD  0004  tab.array    | 
0008 AREF   0007  0003         | 
0009 ALOAD  0008               | 
0010 SLOAD  #4    T            | 
0011 ADD    0010  0009         | 
0012 ADD    0003  +1           | 
0013 LE     0012  0001         | 
.... SNAP   [ ---- ---- ---- ---- 0011 0012 0001 ---- 0012 ]
0001 SLOAD  #6    CRI          | 0001
0002 LE     0001  +2147483646  | 0002
0003 SLOAD  #5    CI           | 0012
0004 SLOAD  #2    T            | 0004
0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize    | 0005
0006 ABC    0005  0001         | 0006
0007 FLOAD  0004  tab.array    | 0007
0008 AREF   0007  0003         | 
0009 ALOAD  0008               | 
0010 SLOAD  #4    T            | 
0011 ADD    0010  0009         | 
0012 ADD    0003  +1           | 
0013 LE     0012  0001         | 
.... SNAP   [ ---- ---- ---- ---- 0011 0012 0001 ---- 0012 ]
0001 SLOAD  #6    CRI          | 0001
0002 LE     0001  +2147483646  | 0002
0003 SLOAD  #5    CI           | 0012
0004 SLOAD  #2    T            | 0004
0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize    | 0005
0006 ABC    0005  0001         | 0006
0007 FLOAD  0004  tab.array    | 0007
0008 AREF   0007  0003         | ===> AREF  [0007][0003]
0009 ALOAD  0008               | 
0010 SLOAD  #4    T            | 
0011 ADD    0010  0009         | 
0012 ADD    0003  +1           | 
0013 LE     0012  0001         | 
.... SNAP   [ ---- ---- ---- ---- 0011 0012 0001 ---- 0012 ]
0001 SLOAD  #6    CRI          | 0001
0002 LE     0001  +2147483646  | 0002
0003 SLOAD  #5    CI           | 0012
0004 SLOAD  #2    T            | 0004
0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize    | 0005
0006 ABC    0005  0001         | 0006
0007 FLOAD  0004  tab.array    | 0007
0008 AREF   0007  0003         | ===> AREF   0007  0012
0009 ALOAD  0008               | 
0010 SLOAD  #4    T            | 
0011 ADD    0010  0009         | 
0012 ADD    0003  +1           | 
0013 LE     0012  0001         | 
.... SNAP   [ ---- ---- ---- ---- 0011 0012 0001 ---- 0012 ]
0001 SLOAD  #6    CRI          | 0001
0002 LE     0001  +2147483646  | 0002
0003 SLOAD  #5    CI           | 0012
0004 SLOAD  #2    T            | 0004
0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize    | 0005
0006 ABC    0005  0001         | 0006
0007 FLOAD  0004  tab.array    | 0007
0008 AREF   0007  0003         | 0015 AREF   0007  0012
0009 ALOAD  0008               | 
0010 SLOAD  #4    T            | 
0011 ADD    0010  0009         | 
0012 ADD    0003  +1           | 
0013 LE     0012  0001         | 
.... SNAP   [ ---- ---- ---- ---- 0011 0012 0001 ---- 0012 ]
0001 SLOAD  #6    CRI          | 0001
0002 LE     0001  +2147483646  | 0002
0003 SLOAD  #5    CI           | 0012
0004 SLOAD  #2    T            | 0004
0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize    | 0005
0006 ABC    0005  0001         | 0006
0007 FLOAD  0004  tab.array    | 0007
0008 AREF   0007  0003         | 0015 AREF   0007  0012
0009 ALOAD  0008               | 0016 ALOAD  0015
0010 SLOAD  #4    T            | 
0011 ADD    0010  0009         | 
0012 ADD    0003  +1           | 
0013 LE     0012  0001         | 
.... SNAP   [ ---- ---- ---- ---- 0011 0012 0001 ---- 0012 ]
0001 SLOAD  #6    CRI          | 0001
0002 LE     0001  +2147483646  | 0002
0003 SLOAD  #5    CI           | 0012
0004 SLOAD  #2    T            | 0004
0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize    | 0005
0006 ABC    0005  0001         | 0006
0007 FLOAD  0004  tab.array    | 0007
0008 AREF   0007  0003         | 0015 AREF   0007  0012
0009 ALOAD  0008               | 0016 ALOAD  0015
0010 SLOAD  #4    T            | 0011
0011 ADD    0010  0009         | 
0012 ADD    0003  +1           | 
0013 LE     0012  0001         | 
.... SNAP   [ ---- ---- ---- ---- 0011 0012 0001 ---- 0012 ]
0001 SLOAD  #6    CRI          | 0001
0002 LE     0001  +2147483646  | 0002
0003 SLOAD  #5    CI           | 0012
0004 SLOAD  #2    T            | 0004
0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize    | 0005
0006 ABC    0005  0001         | 0006
0007 FLOAD  0004  tab.array    | 0007
0008 AREF   0007  0003         | 0015 AREF   0007  0012
0009 ALOAD  0008               | 0016 ALOAD  0015
0010 SLOAD  #4    T            | 0011
0011 ADD    0010  0009         | 0017 ADD    0011  0016
0012 ADD    0003  +1           | 
0013 LE     0012  0001         | 
.... SNAP   [ ---- ---- ---- ---- 0011 0012 0001 ---- 0012 ]
0001 SLOAD  #6    CRI          | 0001
0002 LE     0001  +2147483646  | 0002
0003 SLOAD  #5    CI           | 0012
0004 SLOAD  #2    T            | 0004
0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize    | 0005
0006 ABC    0005  0001         | 0006
0007 FLOAD  0004  tab.array    | 0007
0008 AREF   0007  0003         | 0015 AREF   0007  0012
0009 ALOAD  0008               | 0016 ALOAD  0015
0010 SLOAD  #4    T            | 0011
0011 ADD    0010  0009         | 0017 ADD    0011  0016
0012 ADD    0003  +1           | 0018 ADD    0012  +1
0013 LE     0012  0001         | 
.... SNAP   [ ---- ---- ---- ---- 0011 0012 0001 ---- 0012 ]
0001 SLOAD  #6    CRI          | 0001
0002 LE     0001  +2147483646  | 0002
0003 SLOAD  #5    CI           | 0012
0004 SLOAD  #2    T            | 0004
0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize    | 0005
0006 ABC    0005  0001         | 0006
0007 FLOAD  0004  tab.array    | 0007
0008 AREF   0007  0003         | 0015 AREF   0007  0012
0009 ALOAD  0008               | 0016 ALOAD  0015
0010 SLOAD  #4    T            | 0011
0011 ADD    0010  0009         | 0017 ADD    0011  0016
0012 ADD    0003  +1           | 0018 ADD    0012  +1
0013 LE     0012  0001         | 0019 LE     0018  0001
.... SNAP   [ ---- ---- ---- ---- 0011 0012 0001 ---- 0012 ]
0001 SLOAD  #6    CRI          | 0001
0002 LE     0001  +2147483646  | 0002
0003 SLOAD  #5    CI           | 0012
0004 SLOAD  #2    T            | 0004
0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize    | 0005
0006 ABC    0005  0001         | 0006
0007 FLOAD  0004  tab.array    | 0007
0008 AREF   0007  0003         | 0015 AREF   0007  0012
0009 ALOAD  0008               | 0016 ALOAD  0015
0010 SLOAD  #4    T            | 0011
0011 ADD    0010  0009         | 0017 ADD    0011  0016
0012 ADD    0003  +1           | 0018 ADD    0012  +1
0013 LE     0012  0001         | 0019 LE     0018  0001
.... SNAP   [ ---- ---- ---- ---- 0011 0012 0001 ---- 0012 ]

0001 SLOAD  #6    CRI          | 0001
0002 LE     0001  +2147483646  | 0002
0003 SLOAD  #5    CI           | 0012
0004 SLOAD  #2    T            | 0004
0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize    | 0005
0006 ABC    0005  0001         | 0006
0007 FLOAD  0004  tab.array    | 0007
0008 AREF   0007  0003         | 0015 AREF   0007  0012
0009 ALOAD  0008               | 0016 ALOAD  0015
0010 SLOAD  #4    T            | 0011
0011 ADD    0010  0009         | 0017 ADD    0011  0016
0012 ADD    0003  +1           | 0018 ADD    0012  +1
0013 LE     0012  0001         | 0019 LE     0018  0001
.... SNAP   [ ---- ---- ---- ---- 0011 0012 0001 ---- 0012 ]
.... SNAP   [ ---- ---- ---- ---- 0017 0018 0001 ---- 0018 ]
0001 SLOAD  #6    CRI          | 0001
0002 LE     0001  +2147483646  | 0002
0003 SLOAD  #5    CI           | 0012
0004 SLOAD  #2    T            | 0004
0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize    | 0005
0006 ABC    0005  0001         | 0006
0007 FLOAD  0004  tab.array    | 0007
0008 AREF   0007  0003         | 0015 AREF   0007  0012
0009 ALOAD  0008               | 0016 ALOAD  0015
0010 SLOAD  #4    T            | 0011
0011 ADD    0010  0009         | 0017 ADD    0011  0016
0012 ADD    0003  +1           | 0018 ADD    0012  +1
0013 LE     0012  0001         | 0019 LE     0018  0001
.... SNAP   [ ---- ---- ---- ---- 0011 0012 0001 ---- 0012 ]
.... SNAP   [ ---- ---- ---- ---- 0017 0018 0001 ---- 0018 ]
0001 SLOAD  #6    CRI          | 0001
0002 LE     0001  +2147483646  | 0002
0003 SLOAD  #5    CI           | 0012
0004 SLOAD  #2    T            | 0004
0005 FLOAD  0004  tab.asize    | 0005
0006 ABC    0005  0001         | 0006
0007 FLOAD  0004  tab.array    | 0007
0008 AREF   0007  0003         | 0015 AREF   0007  0012
0009 ALOAD  0008               | 0016 ALOAD  0015
0010 SLOAD  #4    T            | 0011
0011 ADD    0010  0009         | 0017 ADD    0011  0016
0012 ADD    0003  +1           | 0018 ADD    0012  +1
0013 LE     0012  0001         | 0019 LE     0018  0001
                                 0020 PHI    0012  0018
                                 0021 PHI    0011  0017

  /* Return length passed to SNEW. */

  return fleft->op2;

  /* Return length passed to SNEW. */
  /* What if fleft is not invariant? */
  return fleft->op2;

  /* Return length passed to SNEW. */
  return fleft->op2;

  /* Return length passed to SNEW. */
  return fleft->op2;
  • DCE
  • LOOP
  • SINK


asm_guardcc(as, CC_E);
emit_rr(as, XO_TEST, RID_RET, RID_RET);


asm_guardcc(as, CC_E);
emit_rr(as, XO_TEST, RID_RET, RID_RET);
/* looks a bit strange?  */


asm_guardcc(as, CC_E);
emit_rr(as, XO_TEST, RID_RET, RID_RET);
/* assembled backwards!  */
/* test rax, rax; je ... */

linear scan




0003 int FLOAD 0002 tab.hmask
0004 int EQ    0003 XXXX
0005 p32 FLOAD 0002 tab.node
0006 p32 HREFK 0005 "fld" @YYYY
0007 num HLOAD 0006

cmp dword [rdx+0x1c], XXXX
jnz ->0
mov ecx, [rdx+0x14] ; tab.node
mov rdi, 0xfffffffb00052de0 ; "fld"
cmp rdi, [rcx+YYYY]
jnz ->0
lea eax, [rcx+0x18]
cmp dword [rax+0x4], 0xfffeffff
jnb ->0 ; is num?


local M = {}
function M:getFld()
  return self.fld

local s = setmetatable({fld = 1},
                       {__index = M})
local sum = 0
for i = 0, 100 do
  sum = sum + s:getFld()
0003    p32 HREF   0002  "getFld"
0004 >  p32 EQ     0003  [0x00042458]
0005    tab FLOAD  0002  tab.meta
0006 >  tab NE     0005  NULL
0007    int FLOAD  0005  tab.hmask
0008 >  int EQ     0007  +1
0009    p32 FLOAD  0005  tab.node
0010 >  p32 HREFK  0009  "__index" @1
0011 >  tab HLOAD  0010
0012    int FLOAD  0011  tab.hmask
0013 >  int EQ     0012  +1
0014    p32 FLOAD  0011  tab.node
0015 >  p32 HREFK  0014  "getFld" @0
0016 >  fun HLOAD  0015
0017 >  fun EQ     0016  y.lua:4
... fld load here ...
0003    p32 HREF   0002  "getFld"
0004 >  p32 EQ     0003  [0x00042458]
0005    tab FLOAD  0002  tab.meta
0006 >  tab NE     0005  NULL
0007    int FLOAD  0005  tab.hmask
0008 >  int EQ     0007  +1
0009    p32 FLOAD  0005  tab.node
0010 >  p32 HREFK  0009  "__index" @1
0011 >  tab HLOAD  0010
0012    int FLOAD  0011  tab.hmask
0013 >  int EQ     0012  +1
0014    p32 FLOAD  0011  tab.node
0015 >  p32 HREFK  0014  "getFld" @0
0016 >  fun HLOAD  0015
0017 >  fun EQ     0016  y.lua:4
... fld load here ...
0003    p32 HREF   0002  "getFld"
0004 >  p32 EQ     0003  [0x00042458]
0005    tab FLOAD  0002  tab.meta
0006 >  tab NE     0005  NULL
0007    int FLOAD  0005  tab.hmask
0008 >  int EQ     0007  +1
0009    p32 FLOAD  0005  tab.node
0010 >  p32 HREFK  0009  "__index" @1
0011 >  tab HLOAD  0010
0012    int FLOAD  0011  tab.hmask
0013 >  int EQ     0012  +1
0014    p32 FLOAD  0011  tab.node
0015 >  p32 HREFK  0014  "getFld" @0
0016 >  fun HLOAD  0015
0017 >  fun EQ     0016  y.lua:4
... fld load here ...
0003    p32 HREF   0002  "getFld"
0004 >  p32 EQ     0003  [0x00042458]
0005    tab FLOAD  0002  tab.meta
0006 >  tab NE     0005  NULL
0007    int FLOAD  0005  tab.hmask
0008 >  int EQ     0007  +1
0009    p32 FLOAD  0005  tab.node
0010 >  p32 HREFK  0009  "__index" @1
0011 >  tab HLOAD  0010
0012    int FLOAD  0011  tab.hmask
0013 >  int EQ     0012  +1
0014    p32 FLOAD  0011  tab.node
0015 >  p32 HREFK  0014  "getFld" @0
0016 >  fun HLOAD  0015
0017 >  fun EQ     0016  y.lua:4
... fld load here ...

problematic if not invariant

traces are not reentrant

[can't call lua_CFunction&stay on trace]

[though LJ2.1 has stitching]

local str = "abcd"
local sum = 0
for i = 0, 100 do
  str = str:gsub('a', 'z')  -- C func
           :gsub('z', 'a')  -- C func
  ↑                  gsub
  .         *--------X
  .                  *--+
  .                     .
  .                     .

  ↑                  gsub
  .         *--------X
  .                  *--+
  . state transfer via  .
  . interpreter state   .

builtin library?

builtin library?

[need to record manually]

[LJ2.1 has LJLIB_LUA]

LJLIB_LUA(table_remove) /*
  function(t, pos)
    local len = #t
    if pos == nil then
      if len ~= 0 then
        local old = t[len]
        t[len] = nil
        return old
      -- ...


ffi.cdef [[
typedef struct { int32_t x, y; } S;
double f(S* p, size_t n);
local S = ffi.typeof('S')

local arr = ffi.new('S[?]', 2)
arr[0] = S(1, 2)
arr[1] = S(3, 4)
ffi.C.f(arr, 2)

ffi objects have
frozen metatables

[see issue #41 for normal tables]

typedef struct { int32_t x, y; } S;
local M = {}
function M:getX() return self.x end
local S = ffi.metatype('S', {__index=M})
local s = S(1,2)

local sum = 0
for i = 0, 100 do
  sum = sum + s:getX()
0003    u16 FLOAD  0002  cdata.ctypeid
0004 >  int EQ     0003  +XXXX
0005    p64 ADD    0002  +YYYY
0006    int XLOAD  0005

no table probing!



[not all values are carried inside]

[rejoins at the trace entry]

... one more thing

local function faster(arr, n)
  local sum = 0
  for i = 1, n do
    sum = sum + arr[i]
  return sum

local function slower(arr, n)
  local sum, i = 0, 1
  while i <= n do
    sum = sum + arr[i]
    i = i + 1
  return sum

What I learned from LuaJIT

elegance is a

do not fear
the preprocessing

users don't understand
what is fast

performance implications of tracing are nontrivial

search for
the balance

make your
own rules

Thank you!